Today Roblox published three very special hats, for 3 very
special reasons. The first hat I sniped was the "Atomic Neon Top Hat" which I personally found very attractive, very modern
and very cool! The atomic neon top hat at first sight wasn't much really, and beforehand
I heard that it looks “ugly” or comments describing how “Roblox messed up this
time” but as I took it into my studio, I got to appreciate this hat for what it
really is. This funky top hat has three main colors incorporated into its
- Purple – The rim and the top half of this hat is covered in a lush, regal purple.
- Teal – around the middle of the top had is a thick covering of teal fabric.
- Green – A cool design added is two, green, floating rings going around the perimeter of the hat.

This pretty special hat was quite a costly 1500R$ however I feel
it was well worth my money. I don’t sell my hats often; I usually just save
them up until I find other objects which work well with it. However if you are
the type who just buys hats for profit, this hat was for you! Straight after
all the “Limited U” hats were sold, over 80 went on sale for over 2000R$ which
is a clear profit of 500R$ and that’s a real deal! Later I saw that the price
began to rise and the amount of people who are selling this particular hat
began to rise too and something which makes this hat pretty special is that
there were only 348 sold originally.
Cost (6/10) – Although this hat was a very cool design I didn't believe that it was worth 1500R$ and therefore not everyone could have
the chance to buy it and earn profit from it.
Texture (8/10) – I love the texture of this hat, the
different colors and overall design makes it a really perfect hat for the wacky Robloxians out there!
Mesh (8/10) – As far as I can tell this mesh has never been
used before but because it’s a top hat, I don’t feel I can give it full marks.
Personally I believe that top hats are really overused and with over 48 top
hats currently on sale in the catalog, Is another top hat really going to
make a difference?
Overall (7/10) – It’s a good top hat but with the mesh
fairly similar to others and the cost being way too high, it really isn't the
best hat I've ever had.
Other hats which were sold recently are the “Sensei” which
was a terrible disaster of a hat, nothing really matches it and I was hard
pushed to even buy it myself, I searched for over 20 minutes trying to find a
outfit and other hats and gears which may, just may go well with this hat. Well…
none did.
Sensei Mini Review: Cost: 55R$
Overall (2/10) – I understand that Roblox need to make new hats with new styles and textures, but really? The reason I gave it such a low score is because they did use an original mesh, and yes there is tons of detail within this hat but other than that, there really isn’t anything which would ever attract me to buying a hat such as this ever again
Another hat which Roblox just released was the “Masquerade King” which was much more of an improvement that the terrible disaster which is the "Sensei". I also had a hard time trying to find a outfit and gears to go with this hat however it was much easier than the previous one.
Masquerade King Mini Review: Cost: 100R$
Overall (6/10) – This hat is a new mesh, which I do love to see from Roblox! It has such a beautiful texture and design which really made me fall in love with this simple, yet elegant mask. I think for the amount of detail and the neutral style, it has a very reasonable price. I really wish they’d made this hat a Limited item, that’s the reason I gave it such a low score.

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