Saturday, January 26, 2013

Greyson the Spiny Forked: A spiffingly good steal!

Do people complain you look weak?  You’re not manly enough? Well wait no more! This amazingly complex helmet priced at only 50R$ was a great investment. The helmet comprised of the regular metallic plate with two giant horns curling from both sides, topped off with an extremely detailed spike in the middle and gradually decreasing in size as they reach the nose protection plate. Many people were skeptical as it was released, why? It’s new, no-one likes change and people always have faith in re-textures which made profit in the past, seeing as this was a “Limited U” item, it reeled in some high controversy.
A total of 4996 helmets were sold in the space of twenty minutes making it increasingly popular, with sales starting at a reasonable 300R$ which obviously immediately started to decrease in value. Considering this item was only 50R$, I say, that is some pretty nifty profit!

Style: 7/10, Looks good from afar but amazing up close with full visual effect of the incredible detail.

Cost: 10/10, for a low price of 50R$, this item is a pretty good investment and a great addition to your wardrobe.

Mesh: 8/10, they created a new mesh for something quite original, however other helmets do seem rather similar.

Texture: 10/10, I love the texture on this hat, very cool looking with such detail and a fluent color throughout

Overall: 9/10Overall I say this item would make a pretty cool addition to anyone’s inventory for any occasion, personally I’m saving this one for Halloween 2013.

Now what do you think? Discuss this hat with us at ROBLOXian Universe on our group page or you could tell us what you thought on our twitter page @ROBLOXUniverse

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